Coaching Professional Rehabilitation Company

Coaching Professional Qualification ltd

A specialized organization to provide deliberate programs in accordance with vocational training systems and provide professional education for self-employment professions, consultations, guidance and training

Our goals

Providing professional education for self-employment professions, such as consulting, guidance and training
- Providing approved training curricula to qualify the self-employment specialist.
- Rehabilitation of individuals for the professionalism of self-employment and project management
Providing advanced advisory services for counseling and guidance practitioners
- Accreditation of specialists and the degree of qualification to practice self-employment in guidance.


Coaching qualification and accreditation system

We offer you the system of joining the Syndicate of Coaching Professionals in Britain as a specialist, professional, professional, individual and institutional life coach, Self-employment, and by joining the Professional Coaching Association, you will have the opportunity to join the list of international coaching professionals in the world, after your participation in the coaching programs and qualification system that we offer to coaching practitioners and professionals in the world.


Our mission

Our mission at Coaching Professionals Rehabilitation Company is to help individuals, teams and organizations find their own niche by focusing on what is important, And give them the knowledge, tools and experience to reach their goals. We aim to achieve this by providing multifaceted training options as well as a wide range of training etc. Available in Kuwait, the Middle East and internationally.

About us

Life Coach Professional Qualification Academy is a specialized organization to provide deliberate programs in accordance with vocational training systems and provide professional education for self-employment professions, consultation, guidance and training.

Coaching Professional Qualification Ltd